Create Payments

iMerchant Sandbox:

iMerchant Production:

Directly initiate payment from the merchant backend, and return the payment result after the payment is completed

Protocol parameter

variable namerequiredfield type

Request Body

bid string [32] required

bid is the account number generated by iMerchant for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system. It comes after the URL as a parameter url?bid=xxxxxx to visit the payment page

Example: py_live_gRDxmTUWdWrIzqsITuLzke9T

attach string [127]

attached data, which to be returned by it’s original form

out_trade_no string [32] required

It is a string of number to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants

amount Int required

total amount to be charged for an order. the units are cents, and in some areas the units are yuan. for details please refer to the ‘support currency’ chapter

currency string(3) required

must be the currency of the given range

spbill_create_ip string(64) required

buyer’s ip address for this transaction

email string(64) required

the buyer’s email address

body string(127) required

product name associated with the transaction

card string required

AES (Rijndael-128, CBC) encryption string with the same key as the signature key.The original format is a JSON string


shipping string required


    "line1":"address_line1 ",
    "city":"new york",
    "state":"new york",

note: if the category operated by the merchant is required to be uploaded in the entity category, the “Shipping” can be omitted in the virtual category

item string


"name": "t-shirt",
"description": "i am description",
"unit_price": 10,
"qty": 2,
"Item_detail_link": ,
"upc": "324832";
"sku": "7394872394",
"brand": "iMerchant",
"images": {
"images1": "",
"images2": ""
"attributes": {
"color": "Yellow",
"size": "XXXXXL"

phone string rquired

the buyer’s phone address, cannot contain English letters and Chinese characters

tax Int required

the amount designated as a shipping fee. the unit is cents, and in some areas the unit is yuan

note: for details please refer to the ‘support currency’ chapter. the currency is remain the same as the original currency

shipping_charge Int required

the amount designated as a shipping fee. the units are cents, and in some areas the units are yuan. for details please refer to the ‘support currency’ chapter

merchant_is_capture Int

the value is 0 by default
example: 0: Charge; 1: Pre-authorization

Defult value: ‘0’

note: To set the value to ‘1’, merchants have to get approval from iMerchant

verify_3d string required

Whether to conduct 3DS secure check. Default value: ‘yes’
example:"yes", "no"

pay_source_site string(127) required

The site where the user shops

suffix string(18)

Dynamic billing suffix which should contain at least one letter; Cannot contain special characters
Minimum character: 2
Maximum character: 18

Paramater details

  • shipping

first_name string [128] required

Recipient’s first name

last_name string [128] required

Recipient’s last name

line1 string [1000] required

The first line of the address

Fields that start with address_line provide the address’s most specific details, like street number, street name, and building name. They do not provide less specific details like city, state/province, or country (these details are provided in other fields)

e.g.: street, PO Box, or company name

line2 string [1000]

The second line of the address, if any

e.g.: apartment, suite, unit, or building

city string [50] required

The address’s country

e.g.: city, district, suburb, town, or village

state string [20] required

A civil entity within the address’s country. In the US, this is the state

e.g.: state, county, province, or region

postal_code string [20] required

The address’s postal code

country_code string [5] required

The address’s country, in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format

  • item

name string required

Product name, it’s an optional additional information

description string [500] required

Product description, it’s an optional additional information

unit_price Int required

Product unit price, it’s an optional additional information

qty Int required

Number of items

image array required

Items’ image. Max url: 8

attribute string required

Item’s attribute

e.g.: color, length, and weight

    "color": "yellow"
    "size": "XL",

Max numbers of attribute: 5

Item_detail_link string

A link to be directed to the detail information of the item

upc string

A barcode symbology that is widely used in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries for tracking trade items in stores

example: "324832"

sku string

A scannable bar code, most often seen printed on product labels in a retail store. The label allows vendors to automatically track the movement of inventory

example: "7394872394"

brand string

a type of product manufactured by the company under a particular name

example: "iMerchant"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!