Retrieve a card


bidString(32)yesBid is the account number generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system.
out_trade_noString(32)yesIt is a string of number to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants.
signStringyesEncrypt data according to API ENDPOINTS>>Authentication.


ObjectSub ObjectTypeDescription
resultStringThe result of response,
1. success
2. fail
bidString(32)generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system.
card_numString(16)The card number.
cvcString(4)The cvc code of this card.
exp_dateString(2)Expiry date are usually not provided, If the card issuer provides it, we will also synchronize it to you for security.
exp_monthString(2)Expiry month (2 digits)
exp_yearString(2)Expiry year (2 digits)
card_statusStringavailable: The card is valid and usable.
writeoff: Card write-off, not available.
card_typeString1. One-Time: The virtual card is a one-time card, do not allow repeated refill.
2. Recurring: Allow repeated refill. (Refill api: coming soon)
billingaddr_line1StringBilling address: address line 1.
addr_line2StringBilling address: address line 2.
cityStringBilling address: city.
stateStringBilling address: state.
postal_codeStringBilling address: postal code.
countryStringBilling address: country.
currencyString(3)The three-letter currency code (ISO 4217) of the card.
balanceintThe remaining amount available on the card. the units are cents. (For example: enter "10088" is "100.88)



bid string required
Bid is the account number generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system.

type string required
add_card: Card issuing.
writeoff: Card write-off.
refill: Card refill.

card_num string
The card number.

out_trade_no string
It is a string of number to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants.

sign string required
Encrypt data according to API ENDPOINTS>>Authentication.
