Parameters | Type | Description |
bid* | String | Generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system. |
out_trade_no | String | It is a string of numbers to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants, required if card_num not provided. |
card_num | String | The unique card number defined by Metaprise, required if out_trade_no not provided. |
start_time | String | The create date of transactions, format: YYYY-mm-dd. |
end_time | String | The create date of transactions, format: YYYY-mm-dd. |
page | int | Indicate the number of pages you wish to query, and the default is the first page. |
page_len | int | A limit on the number of objects to be returned. The limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 20. |
sign* | String | Encrypt data according to API ENDPOINTS>>Authentication. |
Parameters | Type | Description |
result | String | Possible enum values: success, fail |
bid | String | Generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system. |
card_num | String | The unique card number defined by Metaprise |
total_record | int | The total number of transactions made on the specified card. |
total_page | int | The total number of pages of transactions on the specified card. |
page_len | int | The number of transactions returned per page on the specified card. |
page | int | The page you query. |
trans_list | object | The transaction records |
Parameters | Type | Description |
trans_sn | string | The unique transaction number defined by Metaprise |
trans_date (will be deprecated) | string | Transaction created date, this field will be deprecated in future releases. |
created | timestamp | Transaction created time |
card | string | The unique card number defined by Metaprise |
trans_spend (will be deprecated) | int | The spending amount, this field will be deprecated in future releases. |
trans_income (will be deprecated) | int | The incoming amount, this field will be deprecated in future releases. |
amount | int | The transaction amount. |
currency | string | The transaction currency. |
trans_type (will be deprecated) | string | The transaction type, this field will be deprecated in future releases. |
status | string | The transaction status. |
trans_remark | string | The description of the transaction. |