Issue a card


bidString(32)Bid is the account number generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system.
first_nameStringFirst name of the cardholder
last_nameStringLast name of the cardholder
date_of_birthStringDate of birth of the cardholder
emailStringEmail address of the cardholder
phoneStringPhone number of cardholder
addr_line_1StringBilling address line1
addr_line_2StringBilling address line2, not required
cityStringBilling City
stateStringBilling State in [ISO 3166-2]
countryStringBilling country [ISO 3166-2], Currently only support United States
postal_codeStringPostal code of billing address
currencyStringProvide the three-letter currency code (ISO 4217) of the card you need, we only support USD now.
amountint32Setting your spend limitation, the units are cents.
out_trade_noString(32)It is a string of number to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants.
signStringEncrypt data according to API ENDPOINTS>>Authentication.


resultStringYThe result of the response,
1. success
2. fail
bidString(32)YBid is the account number generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system.
out_trade_noString(32)YIt is a string of number to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants.

Data Object

bidstringYbid is the account number generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system.
out_trade_nostringYIt is a string of numbers to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants.
card_numstringYcard number
card_typestringYOne-Time, Recurring, Per_authorization
card_statusstringYpending activation: The card has not been active
available: The card is valid and usable.
writeoff: Card write-off, not available.