Issue a card


bidString(32)yesThe bid is the account number generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system.
currencyStringyesProvide the three-letter currency code (ISO 4217) of the card you need, we only support USD now.
amountint(32)yesSetting your spend limitation, the units are cents. (For example: enter "10088" is "100.88)
out_trade_noString(32)yesIt is a string of numbers to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants.
signStringyesEncrypt data according to API ENDPOINTS>>Authentication.
first_nameStringyesThis field cannot contain any numbers, special characters (except periods, commas, hyphens, spaces and apostrophes) or non-latin letters.
last_nameStringyesThis field cannot contain any numbers, special characters (except periods, commas, hyphens, spaces and apostrophes) or non-latin letters.
date_of_birthyyyy-mm-ddyesBirthday of the cardholder
addr_line_1StringyesThe first line of the billing address

Fields that start with address_line provide the address’s most specific details, like street number, street name, and building name. They do not provide less specific details like city, state/province, or country (these details are provided in other fields)
addr_line_2StringnoThe second line of the billing address, if any

e.g.: apartment, suite, unit, or building
cityStringyesThe billing address’s country

e.g.: city, district, suburb, town, or village
stateStringyesState of billing country. in ISO 3166-2
postal_codeStringyesThe billing address’s postal code
countryStringyesBilling country [ISO 3166-2], Currently only support United States
phoneStringyesphone numbers associated with the entity in E.164 format─e.g. +12125551395 ( 'h-2": "Required",
"h-3": "Description",
' )
emailStringyesthe email address
shippingobjectyesThe shipping object of the destination will be shipped


addr_line_1StringyesLine1 of the shipping address.
addr_line_2StringyesLine2 of the shipping address.
cityStringyesCity of the shipping address
stateStringyesState of the shipping address, in ISO 3166-2
countryStringyesShipping country [ISO 3166-2], Currently only support United States
postal_codeStringyesPostcode of shipping address


ObjectSub ObjectTypeRequiredDescription
resultStringyesThe result of response,

1. success
2. fail
bidString(32)yesBid is the account number generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system.
card_idString(32)yesThis is a unique identification number issued by Metaprise
out_trade_noString(32)yesIt is a string of number to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants.
statusStringyesreceived: Metaprise has received your apply card request.

fail: Your request has been declined by Metaprise or Channel.
card_numStringnocard number
card_typeStringnoOne-Time, Recurring, Per_authorization
    "error":"Balance not enough",
    "error":"Your request contains invalid parameter, out_trade_no(ASD123007891) duplicate",
    "result": "success",
    "data": {
        "bid": "py_live_SBNS6pHlkjsdfsM1RWzHpbgK3I",
        "out_trade_no": "Spapi20sd08890012112121",
        "status": "Pending Activation",
        "card_num": "0511",
        "exp_month": "02",
        "exp_year ": "2026",
        "card_type": "Per_authorization"


bid string required
Bid is the account number generated by Metaprise for the merchant. It is a string of 32 bits long to uniquely identify the merchant generated by the system.

currency string required
Provide the three-letter currency code (ISO 4217) of the card you needed, we only support USD now.

amount int32 required
Setting your spend limitation, the units are cents. (For example: enter "10088" is "100.88)

out_trade_no string required
It is a string of number to uniquely distribute the id to a specific order, which the id is created by merchants.

sign string required
Encrypt data according to API ENDPOINTS>>Authentication.
