
Learn how to use the Account resource with Metaprise Billing.


Accounts are what businesses use to track transactions. Accounts can track money coming in (income or revenue) and going out (expenses). They can also track the value of things (assets), like vehicles and equipment.

There are five basic account types: asset, liability, income, expense, and equity. Accounts are part of the chart of accounts, the unique list of accounts each business puts together to do their accounting.

Before you begin

Sign up the Metaprise developer devhub platform to get your unique Client ID and API key.
Obtain your access token by authenticating to Metaprise using your unique Client ID and API key. You will need the access token to make API calls.
Set up webhooks to receive notifications on Global Account events.

Account operation

The account object is what you'll use to do actions with the end-users accounts.

Account NameUser recognizable name for the Account.
Account TypeA detailed account classification that specifies the use of this account. The type is based on the Classification.
Sub Account TypeSpecifies whether this object represents a parent (false) or subaccount (true). Please note that accounts of these types - OpeningBalanceEquity, UndepositedFunds, RetainedEarnings, CashReceiptIncome, CashExpenditureExpense, ExchangeGainOrLoss cannot have a sub account and cannot be a sub account of another account.

Create an Account

  1. Use dashboard to create a new account.

    1. Sign up and log in the Metaprise dashboard

    2. Click 'Add Ne' button in bill creation page.

    3. Fill 'Account Name', select 'Account Type' and 'Sub-Account Type'.

  2. Use API to create a new account.
    To add new account to a bill, send a POST request to the /payables/{payable_id}/account endpoint:

    curl -X POST '' \
         -H 'X-Metaprise-Version: 2024-01-31' \
         -H 'X-Metaprise-Entity-Id: ENTITY_ID' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

The successful response contains information about the created line item:

    "result": "success",
    "data": {
        "uid": "12217",
        "account_name": "account_receivable",
        "account_type_id": "account_receivable",
        "account_sub_type_id": "account_receivable",
        "status": "active ",
        "source": "quickbbok ",
        "quickbook_id": "",      

Retrieve an Account

Send a GETrequest to the /payables/{payable_id}/account endpoint:

curl -X GET '' \
     -H 'X-Metaprise-Version: 2024-01-31' \
     -H 'X-Metaprise-Entity-Id: ENTITY_ID' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

The successful response contains information about the created line item:

    "result": "success",
    "data": {
        "uid": "12217",
        "account_name": "account_receivable",
        "account_type_id": "account_receivable",
        "account_sub_type_id": "account_receivable",
        "status": "active ",
        "source": "quickbbok ",
        "quickbook_id": "",      